IP Protection
Learn about the two documents you may need for safeguarding your intellectual property rights and protecting your creations from piracy in China.

*Applications are subject to approval of the relevant authorities


What do we need

From our partner

IP Certificate ISBN Publishing License
plus Upgrade to RSPP Plus
license Submit your business license or
personal identification
code Submit the first and last 1,500
lines of source code
letter Submit an authorization letter
max Upgrade to RSPP Max
unlock Unlock all IAP billing points
apk Submit an unlocked test APK
account Provide account details if app
requires user login

What do we need


form Prepare the relevant
application form
submit Submit the required documents
and materials to the relevant
status Monitor application status
notify Notify partner once approved
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Localization is the key to success in China.
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Remove language barriers to reach wider audiences

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Integrate Once for Multi-Store Publishing

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